I took this photo of our already blooming apricot tree two days ago, basking in the glow of perhaps an early Spring. But, alas, it always seems to turn bitter cold right around Finn's birthday. As a matter of fact, I remember driving to the hospital in labor wearing a parka in Houston - no wonder Finn loves the cold weather so much. I marvel that he came from my heat loving body.
We celebrated today without much fanfare - but by far the biggest event was Finn getting his first bike.

But, you see, nothing is ever easy with our boy Finn. The first bike he flat out refused to ride after being on it about three minutes. Luckily, we decided to return it and get a smaller one and that worked out great. He rode and rode around our little
cul de sac, every now and again busting out with an "awesome" and a thumb's up. We were oh so proud.

Then it was inside for cake and candles before Dad had to set off to work. I made my now standard chocolate cake recipe - "old reliable" is what it should be called. Because despite having been forced to use the only chocolate available (not good) at our neighborhood Smith's grocery store since I was extremely unwilling to drag the kids to another store while snow was dumping outside and they were already running loose like crazed hyenas - it turned out pretty darned good. Made with best quality chocolate and cocoa, however, and this cake will rock your world. But more on that later.

Hard to believe we've had our Finn for four years now. He's
truly an incredible kid . . . smart, sensitive, imaginative. He's not the most easy going kid for sure, but he keeps us on our toes and keeps things interesting around here. I could just stare at him all day, watching his funny little moves and quirky routines. And, wow, what comes out of this kids mouth. The other day at the park, he stood up on a huge rock and delivered a speech to the rest of the children and parents there. Something or other about Barack Obama; couldn't really get the
gist. And although no one else was paying him any attention (thank goodness), I stood back and listened to my little man exercise his rights. It was pretty cool - a bit strange - but that's what I love about him. Yes, he exhausts me but I love him tirelessly - ain't that the power of love.
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