I don't know why it's so hard for me to get back into the blogosphere after vacation. I've been a bit under the radar since we returned from the beach, trying to catch up on various projects and brainstorming the next several. Now that the teaching job is out of the picture, I've been a little unsure what my next step will be - other than planning for the summer dessert menu change and keeping up with my rascal children.
Our vacation, by the way, was amazing. We all had such a good time with Andy's family and friends. The beach was beautiful and the boys were endlessly entertained. Finn conquered his fear of crabs this year and learned to love the ocean. 
Graham, however, not so much. Surprisingly, my water-loving little fish refused to go within six feet of the waves. Impossible to predict a toddler's preferences. He was much more interested in the little pool we had back at the house, but hopefully next year that will change. And while we were still in Greenville, Andy took Finn and Graham "fishing" at his buddy's friend's pond. Apparently it was somewhat futile, but this photo had to make it all worth it.
Be back later tonite when the boys are (hopefully) asleep.
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